I got the final corrected proofs back on my bookblock and both paperback and dust jacket covers today. There may be nothing more exciting to a writer than getting those items from the publisher, especially when they (hopefully, prayerfully) are near perfect. I knew I was getting them today. I woke up at 5:30, got up, put the coffee on, turned on the Christmas music and started reading my Bible. That never happens before my husband gets up. Guess I was all too excited this morning.

I'll sign off on these tonight after I've pondered until my heart is totally in sync with my brain. I do love the cover. I got some good opinions and all are in one accord. With not a single no in the group. 

I don't really know how long it takes after I release the signed approval papers to them. I think we can be sure they will make a great gift just in time for Christmas, actually before Christmas would be good, since you will spend two Christmases with "The Paynes from Sarepta and Slate Springs, Mississippi" in the story.

You'll need a comfy chair, an afghan, some hot chocolate, and maybe a box of tissues when you read. Isaac's House is set in a most poignant time in the history of our country. The end of the War that took so many of our loved ones. If you have done genealogy to any degree, you likely have forebears who fought for the North or for the South. Either way, we all lost in that cruel War. And then in the aftermath, the South experienced a time in history when it had no country of its own. The secession states did not return to the Union for several years after the close of the War, and there were many challenges during an era called Reconstruction.

I hope you will love this book as much as I loved writing it. This book—I can now call it a book instead of a manuscript. So happy about that.

I'll let you know when it becomes available from the publisher first and then from a gazillion online bookstores in due time. 

Barnes&Noble. com is always good for free shipping and coupons.

While Isaac's House is a stand-alone read, it is also the second in the Faithful Sons Trilogy. If you have not read The Mississippi Boys, you might want to read it first. If you do, Isaac's House will really come alive for you.

You can get The Mississippi Boys on Nook and I believe Kindle as well. If you don't have a reader, you can download Nook free to your PC (and other devices) and purchase The Mississippi Boys for $6.00.

Happy Reading!
Jane Bennett Gaddy
